Dear Members and Colleagues
For the past several months we have all experienced unprecedented changes and challenges in our everyday lives due to the Covid-19 global pandemic.
Hopefully now with the efficacy of vaccines and the success of strict identification and control methods better days are ahead for us all.
Whilst our thoughts are still with those in countries hard hit by this infection, life for some in the Caribbean appears to be slowly returning to normal.
Although the personal losses cannot be underestimated, and the decline of tourism has left its mark on many economies, it appears that legal and financial businesses are showing signs of improvement.
IPCA was formed with the intention of bringing together all nationalities throughout the Caribbean to establish a forum for better communication and collaboration amongst IP practitioners and to aid in the exchange of ideas and provide more networking opportunities for its members.
Over the last year it has not been possible to meet in person during our usual half-yearly IPCA at INTA meeting or our Annual Meeting. Many of you, however, have participated in Zoom calls with your colleagues and IPCA’s Committees have continued to plan for future goals and events.
We would encourage everyone to look ahead and support the regrowth of both local and international business through active participation in IPCA via its Committees, and we hope that before too long we will be able to meet again face-to-face.
Our gratitude remains with the tireless health workers for all their selfless efforts to keep us all safe and well.
Best wishes
Huw, Kenneth, Jessica, Kimberley & Fanta
The Board of Directors, IPCA