If you are an IP practitioner based in the Caribbean and are interested in becoming an IPCA member, please review the below criteria.
1. Membership is open to applicants who:
- Reside in a country that borders the Caribbean Sea; or
- Are in a country that is either a member or associate member of CARICOM; and
- Are ordinarily resident in that country and have an established IP practice there.
2. The cost per Member is US$200 per year. The Membership Year runs from 1st January to 31st December.
3. A Member may be a firm or an individual. If a firm, the firm can appoint one staff member as the Representative of the firm and a second person as their Alternative Representative. The Representative (or the Alternative Representative in the absence of the Representative) will be the key contact at that firm and the person able to exercise the voting rights of the firm. The Member (being either a firm Member or an individual Member) will have one vote. For US$50 a firm is able to have additional individuals (Associate Members) mentioned on the IPCA website, who would be able to attend functions (at Member Rates), receive membership mailings, bulletins, etc. However, the firm will only have one vote regardless of the number of Associate Members in the firm.
4. Founding Membership was offered to those applicants who registered and paid to attend the Inaugural Meeting in Miami on 22nd November, 2014 and from whom payment was received on or before 31st January, 2015.
Please select the appropriate form to apply as a new Member or to renew your existing Membership.